About Us

The leading edge open access piloting service provider

About Us

Why KCL services

Scale advantage

Possibility to upscale from small test series to demo products. Mill scale conditions that support rapid market entry – quick customer feedback.

Low financial risk

Testing and production under realistic conditions, without large investments.


No sharing of research knowledge, findings and results with other parties outside of the contracting client. KCL does not conduct internal research for dissemination or profit.

Professional personnel

Well planned trial programs in controlled conditions, staff with several decades of trial and measurement experience and expertise.

Open access, independent

Services and expertise available equally for all customers. KCL does not connect pilot trials or laboratory measurements with any indirect product sales targets.

Centralized location

KCL is located in Otaniemi, a bio processing hub including laboratory services, university and research organizations, all located within 15 mins from the Helsinki city center.

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