KCL BIOHUB webinar

Microbiology for forest industry
September 17th, 2024

KCL BIOHUB is organizing a webinar, Microbiology for forest industry processes and products, on September 17th, 2024, form 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EET (CET: 9:00 to 11:00 AM).
You can participate in the event at Aallonharja, Otaniemi (Tekniikantie 4, Espoo) or online.

Register today!


ATP techniques in pulp and paper industrySpeaker:
Speaker: Jean-Yves Soulard, Luminutra

Microbial process monitoring by online flow cytometry
Speaker: Konstanze Schiessl, OnCyt

Recycled packaging board microbiology
Speaker: Jaakko Ekman, Kemira

Company perspective: Where microbes and forest industry meet
Speaker: Katariina Kemppainen, Metsä Group 

KCL microbiology portfolio
Speaker: Anu Kettunen, KCL

KCL BIOHUB webinar series:

Refining of Biomass, June 5th

KCL BIOHUB webinar series will continue. Stay tuned and follow our newsletters and Linkedin for more information.

For more information contact:
Jenni Sievänen-Rahijärvi
Customer Service Manager
Tel. +358 40 660 9903
Anu Kettunen
Coordinator of BIOHUB cluster
Tel. +358 40 511 2144