Laboratory Services

Board & Papermaking

Services that create new and sustainable bio-based products

Ideal testing platform for paper and board making

Our laboratory-scale testing platform is ideal for testing fillers, fibers or new papermaking raw-materials and moreover, we have the expertise and knowledge in manufacturing sheets from different fiber fractions. Our wide competence base provides you the opportunities in renewing your papermaking processes and improve your production efficiencies.

The board and papermaking methods we have utilize standard sheet molds or a dynamic sheet former that provide oriented board and paper sheets. The dynamic sheet former has an excellent retention level and  therefore it is perfectly suited  for making paper that contains filler or MFC. Moreover, our dynamic sheet former is also capable of producing multi-layer paper or board.

Our laboratory has a world-class portfolio of testing equipment and capabilities. Above and beyond the standardized methods, we have a large variety of internal methods developed in accordance with your needs.

Eva Sandås
Tel. +358 40 738 7842
Kaarina Fagerholm
Tel. +358 40 829 4548
Jenni Sievänen-Rahijärvi
Tel. +358 40 660 9903